As registration links open they will become hyperlinks and the images will be displayed as a green image showing the registration name.
Please note that if you are directed to when selecting a registration link you are likely not logged into the SportsEngine website.
A user account is required to register for CSYHA programs as this login associates you with an account for the system.
Directions on how to register for a SportsEngine account can be found at the following link:
If you have issues please contact the CSYHA Admin at
CSYHA is not currently running Try Outs, but instead offering "Try Us." Our first Try Us was held April 14th 2024 and we are looking into additional dates in late Summer/early Fall. If you would like to learn more about playing for CSYHA or attending a Try Us event, please email
Session |
Registration |
Learn to Play - (1 Session) * |
$85 |
Learn to Play - (3 Sessions) * |
$200 |
6U Mini-Mites | $400 |
8U Mites |
$600 |
Squirt House |
$775 |
PeeWee House |
$800 |
Bantam House |
$825 |
Midget House |
$850 |
Jerseys – players will be able to re-use jerseys from year-to-year. It will be at the parents’/guardian’s discretion as to when jerseys need to be replaced. Players will pick three numbers in order of preference at the time of registration. We will make every effort to assign each player one of the three.
For families that have more than one player in the organization: the player on the team with the highest registration fee pays the full amount and all other siblings receive a 15% discount. If you have two players in Center State, please use code FAMILYDISCOUNT24 upon checkout. If you have three players in Center State, please use code FAMILYDISCOUNT3 upon checkout.
Registration fees include practices and games (ice time and referees). Practice and game slots will be allocated by age group (Squirts through Midget Snowbelt are typically allocated 16 home games while the Split Season Midget travel teams are allocated 13. Mites and Learn to Play are not allocated specific game times). Away games are at the discretion of the individual team (coach and parents); Center State Youth Hockey Association makes no guarantees with the respect to the amount of games (home and away) to be played. Ice time is a costly and precious commodity and buying ice time at Morrisville State College consumes most of the CSYHA budget each year. Additional expenses include the cost of referees, insurance, advertising, printing costs, etc. To help offset these costs, CSYHA will be promoting various fundraising efforts throughout the year. Participation in these fundraising efforts is encouraged as money raised through these efforts helps keep the registration fees down.
NOTE: The 2023-24 jersey's will carry over so if your player has a serviceable set from last season there is no need to purchase a new one unless they need to be replaced. New players to CSYHA are required to buy a full uniform set.
Ordering information will be sent to you once your player is confirmed to be registered.