One of the many things that we ask parents to do throughout the hockey season to get involved is to help during home games between the benches. Normally this is working a door for the penalty box, working the game clock or the score sheet. Although this is thought of with apprehension most find it rewarding giving them a front row seat for the game and an opportunity to get involved directly and learn more about the game.
In this capacity please be aware that you will be considered a off-ice official and part of the officiating team. This said, you will have to help the on-ice officials and you will be asked to help them with aspects of the game.
NOTE: Any harassment or disruptive behavior in the area around the off-ice officials (penalty boxes and from the players benches) will NOT be tolerated. Any incidents should be reported at the next stoppage of play to the referee team and they have the ability to deal with this type of activity.
CSYHA has a page specifically to get information to its members on off-ice officiating and it has documents that help members work the clock, keep score, and even has a copy of the playing rules and guidelines for off-ice officials. This data can be found at the following page:
Thank you for your continued commitment to our teams and support of CSYHA!